Lifestream updates their blood donation guidelines, blood Drive today (9/26)

Lifestream Blood Bank, which operates a number of blood drives across the Morongo Basin and throughout San Bernardino County, announced this week that they have implemented updated FDA blood donation guidelines and eliminated questions based on sexual orientation.

This change allows more people of all sexual orientations to donate much needed blood to our area hospitals. 

LifeStream will now use the FDA’s updated individual risk-based questions to reduce the risk of transfusion-transmitted HIV. These questions will be the same for every donor, regardless of sexual orientation, sex or gender. The updated guidelines will continue to maintain the safety of the blood supply.

And because blood continues to be desperately needed, Lifestream is holding a blood drive this afternoon (September 26) at Twentynine Palms Community at Little Church of the Desert, located at 6079 Adobe Road, Twentynine Palms from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Donors receive a free mini-physical (including readings for blood pressure, pulse, cholesterol levels, iron level and temperature with results being posted on the donor’s private online portal.)

Please set an appointment by calling LifeStream at 800-879-4484 or visiting

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