A new California law that has been widely reported is one that requires that the contributions of gays and lesbians be taught in public schools. Not so well known is a list of other new laws that collectively normalize the position in society of LGBT individuals. These include:
The California Gay Bullying Law (or Seth’s Law) which requires school districts to have a uniform process for dealing with gay bullying complaints, and mandates that school personnel intervene if they witness gay bullying. Law effective July 1, 2012. LGBT Equality and Equal Access in Higher Education Law directs State universities and colleges to create and enforce campus policies protecting LGBTs from harassment and appoint employee contact persons to address on-campus LGBT matters. Domestic Partnership Equality Law adjusts inequalities between domestic partnerships and heterosexual marriages, including domestic partner health benefits sharing. Protection of Parent-Child Relationships Law allows courts to consider the relationship between a child and a non-biological parent when considering child rights cases involving birth parents, adoptive parents, and gay or lesbian guardians. The Transgender Non-Discrimination Law provides public accommodation and protection in education, housing and employment for gender identity and expression. The Transgender Vital Statistics Law makes it easier for transgender Californians to get a court petition to change their gender on official documents. LGBT Equal Benefits Law requires an employer with a state contract worth more than $100,000 to have non-discrimination policies in place for LGBT workers and their partners. The Judicial Applicant and Appointment Demographics Inclusion Law includes gender identity and sexual orientation of potential judges into the state’s Judicial Applicant Data Report to ensure that state courts are diverse. The Gay Divorce Law provides that if a gay couple got married in California but lives in a state that won’t grant them a divorce, the California court will have jurisdiction to grant them a legal divorce.

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