The hilarious “Farndale Christmas Carol” has two performances this weekend at Theatre 29. Reporter Rebecca Havely shares how you can get tickets…
The holiday hit “Farndale Christmas Carol” completes its run at Theatre 29 this weekend. Don’t miss out on your last opportunity to see this holiday hit. Directed by Theatre 29 veteran Marty Neider, an English acting troupe of all-women perform their version of Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol.” This engagingly goofy comedy will get the whole family into the holiday spirit. The cast includes the talents of Donette Swain, Kathryn Ferguson, Mandi Pushkar, Lisa Goldberg and Edward Pierce. This Friday and Saturday night the curtain rises at 7 p.m.
“Farndale Christmas Carol” tickets are from $8 to $12 and can be purchased on line at or reserve your seats by calling the theater box office at 760-361-4151.