Landers landlord arrested for suspected attempted burglary

A landlord in Landers was arrested on suspicion of burglary after attempting to enter a tenant’s residence.

On Monday (March 25) just before 3 p.m., a person living in the 5500 block of Tracy Blvd in Lander reported to County Sheriff’s deputies that his landlord had been attempting to enter the residence illegally. The victim reported that the landlord, identified as Jonathan Deyden, had been released from prison a few months ago and had made several attempts to break into the residence, most recently by cutting locks with garden shears. 

The victim photographed Deyden on the property.

Deputies report that Deyden may have been intoxicated and claimed that he had the right to enter the property at will.

Jonathan Deyden was arrested on suspicion of attempted burglary and booked into the West Valley Detention Center on $30,000 bail.

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