The Department of Public Health held a third COVID-19 testing event in the Morongo Basin Thursday, this time at Twentynine Palms High School. The free testing was available to anyone, whether or not they had symptoms of COVID-19. Reporter Cassidy Zimarik shares how this event looked very different compared to previous testing events in the Morongo Basin…

The school bells are still playing at Twentynine Palms High School but there are no students. Instead, visitors to the school were being tested for COVID-19 in a free testing event held by the Department of Public Health.

The school campus was covered in cones, white tents, 67 staff and 10 city staff volunteers, but what was missing? Well, people to get tested. While last week’s testing in Joshua Tree resulted in over 400 tests administered, Thursday’s testing only booked 214 out of 500 available appointments, so the testing site began accepting those without appointments, getting earlier visitors in and out in under an hour. Those who did show up to get the free test should receive results in about seven business days.