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If you thought we were done talking about Thanksgiving, we’re not! Many of us have likely experienced emotional manipulation at the paws of our furry friends in the form of puppy-dog eyes or pleasant purring and head-booping. This holiday season, it’s important to remember the catastrophic health risks when our pets come begging for scraps of turkey. Assignment reporter Chris Fleischman has more pointers for how to keep our furry companions safe during holiday mealtime…

To avoid costly trips to the vet and possible heartbreak this holiday season, you should resist the urge to feed your furry friends under the table during mealtime. Avoid giving your dogs and cats any turkey meat or scraps of any kind, as eating turkey can cause the life-threatening condition pancreatitis in animals. You should also avoid giving your pets any desserts, including pies and especially anything with chocolate. Anything prepared with yeast could also cause digestive problems for pets. Make sure that any waste is covered in a tightly secured trash bag away from your pets. If your pet has eaten something dangerous or poisonous, call your veterinary clinic immediately, or contact the ASPCA Poison Control Hotline at 888-426-4435.  

A very good boy demonstrating how he only eats dog food and will avoid Thanksgiving scraps this year.

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