JTNPA sets date for “Beneath the Desert Sky” fundraiser

The Joshua Tree National Park Association has announced the date and line up for their “Beneath the Desert Sky” fundraiser event, featuring a number of local musicians.

Set for June 1, this year’s event will be held at the historic 29 Palms Inn and features an incredible lineup of music, vendors, food and fun, all in support of Joshua Tree national Park.

The lineup includes David Catching & Friends, Fatso Jetson, Flames of Durga, Giselle Woo & The Night Owls, along with local vendors and the beloved food and drinks that the 29 Palms Inn is renowned for.         

Joshua Tree National Park Association (JTNPA) works in partnership with Joshua Tree National Park to help in its achievement of programming goals in education and interpretation, along with scientific and historical research and activities. The Beneath the Desert Sky concert series began in 2021, with two successful concert fundraisers in June and July of that year.

Visit this link for more information and tickets.

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