In early June, routine testing by the Joshua Basin Water District appeared to show the presence of coliform bacteria in excess of federal drinking water standards. The discovery set into motion a cascade of actions that were costly, alarming, and completely unnecessary. Reporter Mike Lipsitz explains…
A large legal notice in the back of this weekend’s newspaper rattled many in the more than 100 square miles that encompass the Joshua Basin Water District. Following strict disclosure requirements, the heading above the notice reads, “Joshua Basin Water District Had Levels of Coliform Bacteria Above Drinking Water Standard.” The notice goes on to explain that a routine test showed the presence of this bacteria that, while not in itself harmful, is often an indicator of a problem in the system. The notice further explains the testing procedure, the risk to consumers, the district’s investigation and response, regulatory ramifications of the test results, and the required public noticing. Not until and unless the reader drills further down the notice do they learn the water samples taken were almost certainly contaminated with the bacteria during transport by the testing lab. According to the District’s Public Information Officer, Kathleen Radnich, “The district wasn’t ever actually in violation of the standard; bacteria in the system never rose above safe limits.”
According to Radnich, melted ice water in the container of drinking water samples was contaminated with wastewater samples also headed to the lab.