Joshua Tree pursuit leads to arrest for outstanding warrant

A vehicle pursuit through Joshua Tree led to one arrest for an outstanding warrant.

At around 3:33 p.m. on Wednesday (March 12), County Sheriff’s Deputies attempted to conduct a traffic stop on a vehicle in Joshua Tree near Calle Del Rio. The vehicle’s driver, identified by deputies as Marcus Corona, a 29 year-old resident of Yucca Valley, failed to yield and led deputies on a 5 mile pursuit westbound through Joshua Tree. The pursuit concluded near Avenida Sol, near Sunfair Ln, where Corona was taken into custody by deputies. An unidentified female passenger was not arrested.

Marcus Corona was arrested on suspicion of felony evading of a peace officer with wanton disregard for public safety and an outstanding warrant, and booked into the West Valley Detention Center where he is being held without bail.

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