Joshua Tree National Park will be temporarily closed as of 8 a.m. Thursday. That’s according to Park Superintendent David Smith, who confirmed the closure with Z107.7 news Tuesday morning. Smith said that due to considerable damage to the park, from extensive off-roading, out-of-bounds camping, destruction of Joshua Trees, creation of new roads, and intentional violation of closure orders by driving around gates, Smith has ordered the park to close temporarily. Smith added that park staff will address sanitation, safety, and resource protection issues that have arisen during the lapse in appropriations, and he hopes to open the park, with limited basic services, in the coming days. Due to a directive from the National Park Service and Department of the Interior, Joshua Tree National Park officials will use funds from previously collected park fees to address those issues—fees that are supposed to be used to fund the park’s infrastructure projects. Smith added that law enforcement rangers will continue to patrol the park and enforce the closure until park staff completes the necessary clean up and park protection measures. Smith noted that the communities near Joshua Tree National Park have provided significant assistance and support to the park, and he hopes to restore visitor access as quickly as possible to mitigate any negative impact to the local economy.
Updated: 1/8/19 9:53 a.m. with additional information about the park closure.