Joshua Tree National Park open after Hurricane Hilary damage cleanup

Joshua Tree National Park has reopened after Tropical Storm Hilary dropped 2 inches of heavy rainfall onto the park. Flooding from the rain washed sand and debris over the roads and trails, but the National Park reports that staff have been working hard on clearing roadways, trails and campgrounds throughout the park.

All campgrounds in the park are now open except Belle and White Tank, which are closed for the summer season. Wilderness backpacking is also open, with the exception of Pine City and Covington Flats which is closed through Monday. Reservations are back open and can be made at

A full fire ban is still in effect. Temperatures are back up in the triple digits, and fire dangers persist despite last weekend’s rain. Wood burning and charcoal fires, including campfires,  and charcoal barbeques are prohibited.

The following roads are closed:

  • Covington Flats
  • Pinkham Canyon
  • Thermal Canyon
  • Geology Tour Road

Many sections are still muddy, or even filled with puddles, and will need extra attention. Please be patient while park crews are assessing and making these roads safe again.

When you are visiting the park, please keep an eye out for leftover sand in the roads and wildlife drinking from puddles!

For the most up-to-date information about current road conditions in Joshua Tree National Park visit their website:

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