Joshua Tree National Park is reminding their visitors to “Leave No Trace.” Park Ranger Pam Tripp explains…….
Leave no trace
Can mean many things:
Like pack out all trash,
And plan well what to bring.
Watch where you step,
This tough desert is fragile.
Plants, burrows, and cryptobiotic crust
Encourage us to be more agile.
Bring water, food, and hat,
Sunscreen and layers.
For the best way to leave no trace,
Is to remember safety first and be prepared.
As you visit Joshua Tree National Park and enjoy the scenery and activities, our natural areas still need everyone’s protection. We can all play a part in making sure the park is clean and left the way we found it. Trash receptacles can be found throughout the park and we ask that you throw all trash away, including cigarette butts, gum, toilet paper and all other types of waste. And if you see signs of vandalism such as graffiti, please report it.
For more information and tips on how to leave no trace when visiting your park, call us at 760-367-5522