A Joshua Tree man was arrested early this morning, accused of burglarizing Copper Mountain College. According to Sheriff’s Sergeant Derek Garvin, a deputy responded to a burglary alarm at the college just before 1 a.m. The deputy saw a man running from the campus into the open desert. The deputy, along with officers from the California Highway Patrol, tracked the suspect for several miles through the desert recovering items of stolen property the suspect had dropped along the way. After several hours, the suspect, identified as Marcus Christensen, 26, was found hiding in dense brush in the yard of a residence on Cobalt Road in Joshua Tree. Garvin said Christensen was hiding in the dense yard as deputies began getting closer to him, and has no association with the owner of the property. Marcus Christensen was arrested for investigation of commercial burglary, booked at the Morongo Basin Jail, and is being held on $25,000 bail.