Local News


Joshua Tree firefighters were busy Sunday. The firefighters first responded to a smoldering campfire in Section 6 about 8 a.m. Sunday morning. Section 6 is a square-mile area of desert conservation area that is often frequented—illegally—by campers. All fires are prohibited in Section 6. Evidently a large party had been held in the area Saturday night, and the partiers had left behind not only a smoldering campfire, but large amounts of trash. Fire Captain Steve Lasiter reminds residents that illegal campfires are not only dangerous—the fire danger is high in our desert—but those responsible can be ticketed by both the fire department and the Sheriff’s department.

Then, in addition to going out to Section 6 to put out the smoldering campfire, firefighters were called out three times Sunday night searching for illegal fireworks. The first call came about 7 p.m. in the area of Sunburst Avenue and the highway. The second call was at 9:40 in the area of Mountain View Circle and Desert Air Road, and the third call was at 10:05 at Desert Air Road and Valley View Circle. Some residents reported hearing explosions and some privacy fences were slightly damaged from the large fireworks. Captain Lasiter reminds residents that all fireworks, including the safe and sane fireworks, are illegal. Anyone caught with fireworks can be charged with a misdemeanor with a fine up to $1000 and a year in jail. However, if you have a large quantity of dangerous fireworks, the fine could be as high as $50,000 and 3 years in state prison.

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