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Local water agencies dodged what looked to be a very expensive bullet last year when the state was forced to back away from a plan that would have significantly raised the threshold for how much chromium-6 could be present in our water. The naturally-occurring element is a known carcinogen. Removing it is very costly. That said, the Joshua Basin Water District may find the chemical is still costing them money. Reporter Mike Lipsitz explains…
At tonight’s meeting of the Joshua Basin Water District, the governing board will contemplate one action item in addition to regular reports and routine matters on the consent agenda. Up for discussion is a request from district staff for funding to complete a study on reducing the level of chromium six present throughout the system. The study was considered high priority until last May when the courts ruled that at least for now, the state division of drinking water had set too high a standard for how much chromium six could be present in our water. So tonight, the board will consider whether to walk away from the study or fund it to a natural conclusion. Tonight’s meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. at district offices on Chollita Road in Joshua Tree.

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