In an effort to establish clear policies in the face of the current and any future pandemics, directors at the Joshua Basin Water District last night approved a draft pandemic policy for eventual inclusion in the district’s employee manual. Reporter Mike Lipsitz was on hand to survey the meeting online…
Directors approved a pandemic policy for inclusion in the employee manual following employee union input. The policy, once adopted, is expected to include a comprehensive range of procedures, everything from controlling spread of disease at district offices to the order of succession within departments, a when one or more employees become ill. In other business, the board approved a software upgrade which is expected to streamline a number of back office and other routines, and among other items directors adopted a moratorium on late fees during April and May and will postpone service cutoffs through June. Last night’s meeting was held in a virtual meeting room using the Zoom platform which the board, management, staff and several members of the public adapted to rather easily.