In yesterday’s coverage of Wednesday night’s special meeting of the Joshua Basin Water District board we brought news of the appointment of former director Tom Floen to fill an open board seat. Today, in part two, reporter Mike Lipsitz tells us of the other water district business transacted Wednesday night …

While candidate interviews and board deliberation took up the lion’s share of Wednesday night’s special meeting, a portion of the two-and-a-half hours was devoted to more routine water district business. Among those item, directors passed resolutions naming the general manager as the board secretary, regardless of who is serving, dissolved two long-retired improvement districts following a public hearing, adjusted two miscellaneous district fees, approved a contract for legal counsel on employment and labor, and authorized an attractive water storage agreement with the Mojave Water Agency. And last but not least, newly appointed director, Tom Floen was administered the oath of office by Interim General Manager Mark Ban.