The Joshua Basin Water District meets tonight in special, then regular session ahead of impending management changes at the water company. Here’s reporter Mike Lipsitz with some of the details …

The Joshua Basin Water District board of directors will hold a special closed session meeting at 5 p.m. today, just ahead of the district’s regular 6:30 p.m. board meeting. During the closed session, the board will consider hire of an interim or acting general manager. That action made necessary because General Manager Curt Sauer has moved up his retirement date from September 1 to June 21, just five weeks from now.
Then at the regular 6:30 meeting, the board will receive a report on the projected costs of upcoming administrative staff changes, likely approve a director of administration job description, and receive a draft 2019/2020 budget for information. Those items and others will follow public comments. Committee, staff and director’s reports come later. Both meetings take place at district offices on Chollita Road in Joshua Tree.
Tune into Z107.7 News tomorrow for a special report on upcoming staff changes at Joshua Basin Water District.