Last week the Morongo Basin was hit with two monsoon storms. The National Weather Service in Las Vegas says there is a 20 percent chance the monsoons may return this afternoon or evening. If you’re driving and you see running water on the road, don’t try to cross the water. The road could be washed out or the water could be deeper than you think. But the humid and hot weather poses more dangers than just the flooded washes. If you’re outside, do your activities in the morning, when it’s cool. Reporter Eric Knabe has another tip if you’re outside in this weather…

Late summer is monsoon season in the desert southwest. Monsoons may bring thunderstorms that are typically harsh with lightning, thunder and lots of rain washing across the land, sometimes causing flash floods. Storm runoff is a critical resource for desert life, and recharges underground aquifers. Remember, however, that even with this moisture, there is still the chance of dehydration during these hot, summer monsoon months. Always have plenty of water with you when enjoying the desert. Have at least one gallon of water to drink each day when driving or camping. And if you’re hiking or climbing, drink at least two gallons a day for proper hydration.