The Morongo Valley Fire Department dominates discussion at tonight’s meeting of the Community Services District there. Reporter Mike Lipsitz has details…
The regular monthly meeting of the Morongo Valley Community Services District starts at 7 p.m. tonight in the Covington Park Community Building. Following agency reports and under new business, the board will discuss updating the California Fire Codes from 2012. Also, rates paid to the CALFire Office of Emergency Services Dispatch Services will be discussed. Donation of the district’s surplus medic engine to Rio Hondo College for training purposes also comes up, as does a daily incentive of $28.36 paid to minimum-wage paramedics at the Morongo Valley Fire Department. And under continued items, the board will review a recent OSHA complaint and a second, more limited, tree trimming proposal. Toward the end of the agenda, directors will adjourn to a closed session to discuss the fire chief appointment.