The Hi-Desert Water District board of directors approved a resolution at its meeting last night to file an application with the State Water Resources Control Board for financial assistance for Phases II and III of the Yucca Valley sewer project. But the board didn’t accomplish all that was on its agenda. Reporter Keith Bailey explains…

The Hi-Desert Water District Board of Directors was supposed to vote last night during its regular meeting on beginning the process to change from at-large elections to a district-based election. However, the board postponed the vote because its general manager Ed Musik had requested administrative leave.

The board went into closed session for a performance evaluation of Musik, and was expected to announce Musik’s departure from the water district. However, the board came back with no reportable action. In a second closed session, the board named Tony Culver as its temporary acting general manager until John Vega of the Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District can take over as acting general manager.