It appears the Hi-Desert Water District will be replacing its general manager tonight. Following tonight’s regular meeting at 5:30, the board will hold a special closed session meeting at 7 p.m. during which they will continue its discussion on General Manager Ed Musik’s performance evaluation. Following a report on the closed session, the board will go back into closed session to discuss naming an acting general manager. Reporter Keith Bailey fills us in on the agenda for the regular meeting…
At tonight’s meeting of the Board of Directors for the Hi-Desert Water District, the board members will consider a resolution declaring its intention to transition from the current (at-large) electoral system, where the entire District votes for each member of the District Board, to a (by-district) electoral system, where the jurisdiction is divided into districts and candidate must reside within that electoral district, and is elected only by voters residing in that district. The board members will also consider a financing agreement with the State Water Resources Control Board to fund the planning or design for phases 2 and 3 of the Wastewater Treatment facility.