Three different designs for hooking up Yucca Valley residents to the proposed sewer system were presented to the Hi-Desert Water District’s Board of Directors at their meeting last night. Managing editor Tami Roleff was there and fills in the details on which system was chosen…
Of the three options presented last night to the Hi-Desert Water District’s Board of Directors, two placed the responsibility for constructing sewer lines from the owner’s property line to the main sewer line in the street, on the individual property owner. For the third option, which the Board ultimately selected, the water district will be responsible for funding and construction of the sewer hook-up to residences, and property owners will be billed for their share of the cost. But the estimated cost hasn’t been released yet. It’s anticipated the water district can secure a 1.3 percent loan for the cost of constructing the sewer lines. The water district’s waste water system designer will design the sewer lines from the private property to the sewer main, at a projected cost of $406,000. The Board of Directors will hold a special meeting next week at which they will discuss changing the boundaries of the phases of the sewer project.