The Hi-Desert Water District Board meets tonight. Managing editor Tami Roleff says the agenda items include a transfer of funds from water to sewer accounts and a request to allow septic for senior housing…
The Hi-Desert Water District Board of Directors will hold their regular meeting tonight. Among the items on the agenda, the directors will be asked to approve: closing district offices for Christmas and New Year’s and transferring $500,000 from the water fund to the wastewater fund to serve as “bridge” financing. The Board will also send a request to the Colorado River Basin Water Quality Control Board asking that the developers of the Yucca Valley Senior Housing Project be allowed to install a septic system in order to afford future connection to the Wastewater Treatment System. The directors will also receive an update on the demonstration garden at the Brehm Sports Park, and receive information on the process for receiving a state revolving loan. The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. at the District office at Inca and the Highway in Yucca Valley.