The board of directors of the Hi-Desert Water District will hold a regular meeting tonight. Managing editor Tami Roleff fills in what’s on the agenda…
If you live in Yucca Valley, are low-income, and have problems paying your water bills, the state may be able to help you. At tonight’s meeting of the board of directors of the Hi-Desert Water District, the board will discuss a report from the State Water Resources Control Board which outlines options to help those who need it. The rest of tonight’s meeting will be mostly routine. The directors will hear a presentation from Southern California Edison about the new time-of-use rates that will start in March. The directors will also be asked to approve financial statements and budget requests, a five-year staffing plan, and more vacation of easements. The meeting starts at 5:30 p.m. in district offices at Inca Trail and Highway 62 in Yucca Valley.