Local News


The Hi-Desert Water District will hold its regular board meeting at 5 p.m. this evening while the meeting of the Joshua Basin Water District has been canceled. Here’s reporter Mike Lipsitz with a roundup of the Wednesday water board meeting …

At the Hi-Desert Water District’s 5 p.m. meeting tonight, the board is expected to dispatch several routine items from the consent calendar, followed by reports from directors and managers. Lastly, the board will move into a closed session to continue discussions on the appointment of a new general manager. Public access to tonight’s meeting will be via telephone or on the Zoom platform only.

The Hi-Desert Water District meeting will be streamed at https://zoom.us/j/95989215093athttps://zoom.us/j/9682599234?pwd=Vnc3VGNWYVNFMXR6amNpT2VnMVNqdz09

Meeting ID: 923 2444 1557 Passcode: 021444

Or by phone+1 669 900 6833

Meeting ID and Passcode are the same as above.

Submit comment on any agenda item to Codi Mix, Board Secretary, at [email protected] two hours prior to meeting start. Comments shall follow the three-minute time limit when read during the meeting and will become part of the meeting minutes.

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