Hi-Desert Boys & Girls Club celebrates 40 years


March 1 is the 40th anniversary of the Boys And Girls Club of the Hi-Desert. On Friday (February 10), the Executive Director of the Boys And Girls Club of the Hi-Desert, Mikayla Rhodes, spoke to Gary Daigneault about the anniversary of the chartering of the club on Z107.7’s Up Close Show.

“It will be our 40th birthday. From my understanding, the Boys and Girls Club doors opened in June of 1983, but we did get chartered March 1, which is so exciting and at the time there was such a need in this community, and continues to be in my opinion.”

Rhodes spoke with Daigneault about the club’s hi-desert history and its current efforts to provide important services to young people and families on a daily basis.

To hear more from Mikayla Rhodes about the Hi-Desert Boys and Girls Club, you can listen to her full interview with Gary Daigneault right here:

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