“Heart to Heart” Luncheon for Women in Military this Saturday (3/23) in Cathedral City

The nonprofit Heart to Heart Organization is holding its 16th Military Appreciation Luncheon this Saturday, March 23, from 11:30 am – 3:00 pm.

The annual lunch event is happening down the hill in Cathedral City and is open and free to all active duty military women and the wives of active duty military. 

The goal is to give the military women a day to remember and show support and love to the military spouses and active duty women.  This “special luncheon” program includes an exciting surprise feature, delightful music and inspirational speakers. 

Every attendee receives a gift bag and the opportunity to receive a door prize gift basket.  

Folks interested in the luncheon can sign up at the YMCA at the 29 Palms Marine Corp Base – there will be childcare offered by The Little Schoolhouse of the Desert.

If you need further information you can reach Nancy Carter at 760-329-5018 or [email protected]

or Call Frances Gomez at 760-401-4885, email [email protected]

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