At last month’s meeting of the Morongo Basin Healthcare District Board of Directors, the directors learned that the healthcare district had spent $261,000 of its $500,000 allocated to its Feeding Morongo Basin Project. The consolidated July operating loss was $150,000, which was under budgeted expectations. Clinic operations for July came in at $14,500, which was also under budgeted expectations. The board will hold a virtual meeting tonight. Here with the agenda is Managing editor Tami Roleff…
Tonight’s meeting of the Morongo Basin Healthcare District Board of Directors will be a virtual meeting. The directors will hear an updated report on the district’s finances. CEO Jackie Combs is expected to tell the directors that the healthcare district will expand COVID testing and flu vaccinations to various locations in November and December, and that it plans to apply to become a COVID vaccination provider. The hospital has hired a new internal medicine physician, psychiatrist, and nurse practitioner.
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