New officers were elected last night at the regular meeting of the Community Health Center Governing Board, along with reports on the continued effectiveness of the mobile medical unit. Reporter Ernest Figueroa attended the meeting and has highlights…

At last night’s meeting, the Community Health Center Governing board elected its 2020 officers: Chair Paul Hoffman, Vice Chair Beverly Scott, Secretary Cassie Souter, and Treasurer Bryan Goldfarb, with Morongo Basin Healthcare District board members Misty Evans and Dianne Greenhouse appointed to the Community Health Center’s governing board.
Following the board’s routine approval of the October and November’s finance reports, CEO Jackie Combs reported the Twentynine Palms Health Center had its three-year IEHP site survey with great results.
The mobile medical unit continued to provide a growing amount of students with dental care at in-school visits and a new site visit in Morongo Valley saw several new patrons with future visits considered.
Finally, the Twentynine Palms Split Rock Clinic originally scheduled to open January 20 is still awaiting city approvals.