Behavioral services focusing on mental health in the Morongo Basin took center stage at the Community Health Center Governing Board meeting last night. Outlining this and other topics discussed is reporter Ernest Figueroa…
The Community Health Center Governing Board received a detailed presentation on behavioral health offered by Dr. Austin Puglisi who outlined the two-fold offerings in both psychiatric medical services and psycho–therapeutic counseling. However board members also expressed a desire to address gaps in services in the future, such as those in areas of substance abuse, eating disorders and services offered to adolescent and juveniles.
Director Jacki Combs also detailed the drug pricing program known as 340B that partners with local pharmacies to provide significantly discounted prescriptions, with unused fees returning back to the clinics.
A presentation of the quarter-end finance report, once again, showed a positive operating income. The board also enthusiastically welcomed Cecilia St. Clair to the CHC governing board returning after some time away.
The meeting concluded with the board of directors in a closed session to review a report regarding quality assurance matters.