Residents of Morongo Valley were quick to shoot down a proposed resolution at last night’s Community Services District Board meeting that would have declared Morongo Valley a hate-free zone. Board members were very surprised to hear that meeting attendees felt the resolution was intrusive, unenforceable, and overall unnecessary. The board reluctantly dismissed the proposed resolution altogether. Reporter Andrew Dieleman has the rest of the meeting highlights…
At last night’s meeting, the Morongo Valley CSD also received an update from Morongo Valley Fire Chief Gary Yearsley on the Covington Park community kitchen, which according to Yearsley, is expected to be completed, inspected, and ready for use by November. The board also reviewed and updated policies for the Morongo Valley CSD and Fire Department; received an update on ongoing efforts to ensure ADA compliance in Covington Park, and held a belated moment of memorium for the victims of the September 11, 2001, attacks. During discussions on correcting statements from previous CSD meetings, Director Johnny Tolbert challenged the context and verbiage of some of the statements in question. The topic was tabled pending review of meeting minutes. The board also tabled discussions on having the Morongo Valley Fire Department issue burn permits, pending legal review, and tabled a report on reviewing the District’s Director of Operations contract. The Board also dropped the action to approve an alcohol permit for an upcoming Democrats of the Morongo Basin event, as the action did not fall under the duties of the Board. Lastly, the board went into closed session to discuss pending litigation; there was no public report.