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Harrison House of Music, Arts & Ecology presents an introduction to permaculture design with internationally renowned teacher and storyteller, Warren Brush, October 12 through 14, including an introductory talk and two-day course. Reporter Mike Lipsitz has details…

Harrison House will host international permaculture teacher and storyteller Warren Brush for a two-day introduction to permaculture course. The course aims to impart a basic understanding of how to apply the ethics, principles and techniques of permaculture into daily life.

Permaculture provides a framework for consciously designed environments that mimic natural patterns and relationships and that yield an abundance of shelter, food and water. The result is stability and resilience for local populations. The talk and the course will be held at: Harrison House, 6881 Mt. Lassen Avenue in Joshua Tree. Tickets for the introductory talk are $15, and for the two-day course, including meals and the talk, tickets are $200 until September 15, after which, tickets are $225.

Course times and to purchase tickets:

Introductory Talk
Friday, October 12, 7 to 8 p.m.
Permaculture: Care for the Earth Care for the People
Available as a standalone event $15 (included with course)

Introduction to Permaculture Course
Saturday, October 13, 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Sunday, October 14, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
$200 early bird before September 15 (includes meals)
$225 after September 15

Tickets for the talk are $15 available at:
https://louharrisonhouse.org/product-category/tickets/or at Joshua Tree Health Food at 29 Palms Hwy & Sunset Ave., Joshua Tree

Tickets for the course are $200 (until Sept.15) and available online:

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