Local ham radio operators will join others around the nation for their annual field day exercise this weekend. Managing editor Tami Roleff invites you to see the invaluable service they provide…
You may think that your cell phone or smart phone is all you need to communicate with others these days, but during a disaster, telephone lines or cell phone towers may be down. Amateur radio, also known as ham radio, can operate anywhere, sometimes by simply throwing a wire up a tree to act as an antenna. Ham radio operators will join thousands of others in remote locations across the U.S. June 27 and 28 in a field day exercise to improve their knowledge and operating skills, prepare for emergencies, and introduce the public to the world of amateur ham radio. The Morongo Basin Amateur Radio Club’s Field Day starts at 11 a.m. today at the Yucca Mesa Community Center at 3133 Balsa Ave. in Yucca Valley and goes for 24 hours straight. The public is invited.
Reporting for Z107.7, this is managing editor Tami Roleff.