During the School Board’s recent October 8 meeting, MUSD Superintendent Tom Baumgarten announced that the Morongo Unified School District had been selected to receive a total of $600,000 from two recent grants for students in Twentynine Palms. Reporter Andrew Dieleman has the details on the grants and where that $600,000 is headed…

The Morongo Unified School District was recently awarded the 2019 Department of Defense (DoDEA) Military-Connected Student Academic and Support Programs Grant. The $500,000 grant will be applied to the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (or STEM) Program for students in grades 7 to12 at both Twentynine Palms Junior High and High Schools from 2019 through 2024. The School District was also awarded the State of California’s Multi-Tiered System of Support (or MTSS) Pilot Grant. The grant will distribute $100,000 over two years to be used for student behavior analysis for students in grades K-8 at Palm Vista Elementary and Twentynine Palms Junior High School.