The High Desert Pregnancy Clinic announces their third annual Golf 4 Life fundraiser event. Reporter Rebecca Havely has more…
The Golf 4 Life event is a great day of fun for all golfers, men, women and kids, Saturday, May 20, at Hawks Landing Golf Course. Registration starts at 7 a.m. with a shotgun start at 8 a.m. Fees are $80 per golfer or $75 per golfer with a team of four. A yummy taco bar lunch is included and a continental breakfast will be available. Carts will also be provided; plus fun contests with great prizes. Amazing raffle prizes are also being gathered. One hole features a chance to win a Ford Fiesta sponsored by Yucca Valley Ford. Tee sponsorships are being accepted. To reserve your sign for only $75 on a tee or hole call the clinic at 760-369-8512. Register to golf by May 16 by calling the clinic or download a registration form from their website.