Furstworld holding shoe donation drive for unhoused in Morongo Basin

The Joshua Tree event space Furstworld is holding a fundraising event to help the unhoused here in the Morongo Basin. 

Last December Furstworld held a fundraiser that provided hotel rooms for unhoused families during the coldest times – and this year after consulting with  MUSD Community Outreach Coordinator Wayne Hamilton, Furstworld is collecting donations to give shoes to those in need this winter.

Starting today and continuing the next two Saturdays, there will be donation boxes around the Morongo Basin collecting new or gently used shoes for kids between 6 and 18 years old. You can find boxes at Furstworld, Soul Connection, Frontier Cafe, Harrison House, the DEZ, Sky High Pie and Cliffhanger guides. There will also be a link on the boxes and at this story on our website where you can donate cash to the fundraiser, which will go toward purchasing new shoes with vouchers donated by Marshalls.

Paypal Handle:  [email protected]

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