The superintendent and assistant superintendent of Morongo Unified School District were guests on the Up Close Show last Friday (May 21), and talked about re-opening school, summer school, and alternatives for students to attend school this fall. Managing editor Tami Roleff has the details…

Assistant Superintendent Amy Woods says students have four ways they can attend school this fall: in person, independent study, the Virtual Academy, and a hybrid program. Students must apply to attend the Virtual Academy.

“We are accepting applications right now. An application is an application. They will go through a screening process, it will go through a steering committee, and seats will be given according to that ,for grades k-12. It’s all remote.”
Woods was also enthusiastic about the hybrid program, or ACCE.

“The hybrid in the middle of that is ACCE, which allows you some flexibility in taking some courses on a campus and some courses there at ACCE and maybe some CTE courses.”

The Academy of College and Career Excellence is located in both Yucca Valley and Twentynine Palms and offers career technical education classes. “It includes a cyber security program, drone, medical assistant, we are starting a fire technology program along with emergency medical response embedded in it, dental, 911 dispatch for adults, security guard with baton certification.”

The classes are also available—for free—for adults.

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