In retirement, a former Twentynine Palms city councilman and mayor is developing a new direction for himself. Reporter Dan Stork chatted with Jay Corbin about his efforts as a standup comic…
We’d heard that Jay Corbin, who retired from his consulting practice in December, after completing one term on the Twentynine Palms City Council, was doing standup comedy in LA. We asked him whether it was a long-time desire. Corbin said the desire came up more or less spontaneously after his retirement at the end of last year. He’s been to some open mic nights at coffee houses, followed with an audition at the Ice House in Pasadena, and has one coming up at the Laugh Factory in Hollywood. He draws his material from everyday life. He acknowledged that his time on the City Council could be a source, but he hasn’t used it yet. He said that the writing of material is the hardest part. Corbin emphasized that he doing it strictly for fun, unlike the people he’s met who are trying to make a career of standup, and he’ll do it as long as it remains fun. When we asked about his family’s reaction, he laughed heartily. He explained “Sometimes I bounce ideas off my wife. Sometimes, that’s good, and sometimes I wish I hadn’t brought it up.” Jay’s audition at the Laugh Factory will be on July 7, and he has another showcase at the Ice House scheduled for Sunday July 26. You can keep up with Jay Corbin’s outings on his Facebook page.