Work by the Joshua Basin Water District will cause some traffic delays in Joshua Tree this month. Reporter Mike Lipsitz said the work is to bring state water to the Joshua Tree aquifer…
Motorists on Highway 62 in Joshua Tree may experience delays through April as crews for Joshua Basin Water District install a pipeline from the south side of Sunset Road in the heart of Joshua Tree west to Yucca Mesa Road. Trenching and pipe installation will occur at a rate of about 300 feet per day from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. One eastbound lane in the area of construction will be closed between those times. Every business will remain accessible throughout the construction process. The area will be cleaned and the trenches filled with temporary asphalt at the end of each day. The pipeline will bore under the highway at Sunset to avoid disrupting traffic. This is the last bit of line that will bring water from Northern California to a 30-acre pond site at the end of Verbena where water will percolate into the ground for future use.