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The 81st annual Weed Show is coming soon to Twentynine Palms so if this is the year you finally submit an entry, know the November 6 deadline. Reporter Heather Clisby has the details …

With the challenges of 2020 in our rear-view mirror, the theme of the 81st annual Weed Show is “What’s next?” If you are submitting an entry to this annual creative event, know the deadlines.

Entries will be accepted on Thursday, November 4, from 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m., Friday, November 5 from noon until 4:00 p.m., and on the first day of the show, Saturday, November 6, from 7:00 a.m. until 9 a.m.

The show will run the weekend of November 6 and 7 in Founders Hall at the Old Schoolhouse Museum, 6760 National Park Drive in Twentynine Palms. Show hours will be noon to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, and 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday.

All entries must utilize local dried plant material and found objects. Within twelve categories, winners will be selected for first, second and third place ribbons, in addition to Honorable Mention and Judges Choice. The People’s Choice award winner will be announced Sunday as the show concludes.

Rules for submissions can be found at 29palmshistorical.com under the Events tab, or at the museum’s front desk from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m., Wednesday through Sunday.

The twelve categories are as follows:

In A Perfect World: Use museum-quality, sun-purpled glass with a majority of fresh plant material. Dried weeds may be added.

Picking Up the Pieces: Use broken/imperfect sun-purpled glass in your entry with dried weeds.

Murder Hornets: Use a miniature accessory with dried weeds, but no real bugs. It must fit inside a 3x3x3-inch box, including the base.

Social Distancing: Same as Murder Hornets but using a 6x6x6-inch box.

Earthquake: Anything that shakes, rattles or rolls can be used as an accessory.

Melt Down: Any metal can be used as an accessory.

Asteroid Strike: Use any rock or mineral as an accessory.

Climate Change/Global Warming: Any temperature-measuring item can be used as an accessory. (Thermometer, barometer, hygrometer, etc.)

Haboob: Use any wind-affected item as an accessory. (Wind vane, anemometer, wind sock, pinwheel … get clever.)

On the Road Again: A scene to-scale or diorama with dried weeds (like matchbox cars on a road to scale through the desert, a homesteader cabin with windmill and water tank, or a train set with desert background, etc.)

Desert Intruders: This is the anything-goes category. Use any accessory you like to create your entry. This category allows you to use a prized accessory you have that is outside of the categories above. Weight and size rules still apply.

Big Brother: This is the oversize category with dried weeds that are made large on purpose or an entry in any of the above categories that exceeds the weight and/or size rule. All oversized entries will be outside during the entire Weed Show in the enclosed courtyard of Founders Hall.

For more info, visit www.29palmshistorical.com, drop by the museum at 6760 National Park Drive from 1 to 4 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday, or call 760-367-2366 and leave a message.

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