The San Bernardino County Registrar of Voters certified its election results Tuesday. While none of the results changed from earlier reports, the turn-out was quite high in the county. Of the county’s 1.1 million voters, 852,000 of them, or 77 percent, voted in the presidential election, up 2 percent from the 2016 presidential election. Managing editor Tami Roleff breaks down some of the local vote percentages for the 2020 election…
The highest turn-outs for elections in the Morongo Basin were for some of the smallest districts; more than 89 percent of voters voted for the Joshua Basin Water District (937/1,046), and nearly 85 percent of voters voted for Morongo Valley CSD seats (1,874/2,211). In the largest district in which the results were decided only by Morongo Basin voters, 79.7 percent of registered voters voted for candidates for Copper Mountain College board of trustees. Nearly 82 percent of county voters voted for State Assembly District 42 (57,233/69,809). In the other races, 75 to 79 percent of voters voted.