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In this opinion piece: Tomorrow, Tuesday, June 3, is state primary election day in California. Morongo Basin voters have several local candidates running for county and state-wide offices in tomorrow’s election. In partisan races, the two candidates with the most votes for each seat will appear on the ballot in November. Here are the races being decided. Z107.7 News offers editorial opinion and endorses some of those which affect us locally. The most high-profile local race is the Congressional race for the 8th District. Z107.7 News endorses incumbent Paul Cook of Yucca Valley for re-election. For State Assembly, District 42, Z107.7 endorses Chad Mayes of Yucca Valley. The candidate for State Senate in our District is running unopposed. Other partisan races are governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, controller, treasurer, attorney general, insurance commissioner, and state Board of Equalization

Non-partisan races can be won outright with a 50 percent plus one vote.
State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Z107-7 endorses Tom Torlakson.
County Superintended of Schools, Z107-7 endorses Ted Allejandre.
Assessor/Recorder, we endorse Dan Carp.
Auditor/Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector: We endorse Larry Walker.
District Attorney, we endorse Grover Merritt.
For County Sheriff, we endorse John McMahon.
Z107.7 also urges a “yes” vote on both Proposition 41, to provide housing for homeless veterans, and Proposition 42, which would keep the workings of local government open and transparent. Registered voters should have received a Voter Information Guide and Sample Ballot, which lists the place where each voter should go to vote. Mail ballots may also be returned to your assigned polling place. The polls are open tomorrow from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. For more information, call the San Bernardino county elections office at 800-

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