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After Southern California Edison appealed a ruling against it by the California Public Utilities Commission concerning a case of three Marines who were injured by a power line on the Combat Center in Twentynine Palms, the PUC reopened the case, and then increased the fine from $300,000 to $8 million.

In 2015, three Marines were riding all-terrain vehicles in the desert when one drove into a copper power wire that was hanging less than eight feet off the ground. Another Marine who rushed to his aid received third-degree burns to his left hand, left arm, and abdomen. The third Marine was also badly shocked by the power line. They were all hospitalized for several days. When the PUC fined SoCal Edison $300,000 for the incident, SCE appealed. After re-opening the case, the commission determined that for years, workers had failed to replace a nut that secured the overhead conductor in place. The commission says that SCE discovered the missing nut in 2011, but labeled it a low-priority for repairs. So Cal Edison disputes that account, saying the line fell after a storm damaged the cross arm and that it took immediate action to make repairs. It said it plans to appeal the fine.

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