Eat, Drink and Be Merry – but Don’t Drink and Drive

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 11,654 people were killed in car crashes nationwide in 2020 that involved an drunk driver, – that’s one person every 45 minutes. Here in the end-of-year holiday season, Heather Clisby joins us with information on how celebrate responsibly.

Our local law enforcement agencies are on the lookout for dangerous and intoxicated drivers during the holidays.

The Twentynine Palms and Yucca Valley police departments are conducting their “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign, and the County Sheriff’s Department and California Highway Patrol will be working hard to keep our roadways safe.

Impaired driving is a major cause of vehicle collisions, and during the holidays, cases of drunk and influenced driving increase, especially here in the high desert where roads are dark, windy, and full of roaming wildlife. Whether you’re a local or just visiting, here are some simple ways you can prevent drunk or drugged driving.

If you drink, or have taken any drugs—legal or illegal, don’t drive. Choose a designated driver for your group, or take a taxi, Uber, Lyft, or call someone to come get you. Don’t ride in a car with a driver who’s impaired. Always wear your seatbelt! Save a life by not letting someone else drive while under the influence. If you see an impaired driver on the road, call 911.

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