For the second year, the Palm Springs Tram is offering free admission to first responders during the month of August. Reporter Rebecca Havely says the deal extends to civilian employees too…

Escape the summer desert heat by cooling off at 8,500 feet elevation on Mount San Jacinto. During the entire month of August, first responders—fire, law enforcement personnel, emergency medical technicians, and civilian and support staff with valid identification will receive complimentary admission to the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway. Spouses and up to four of their guests receive 25 percent off of their regular Tramway fares.
All active fire and police personnel with up to 4 additional tickets at 25% off. · To participate, First Responders must present valid photo ID at Tramway’s ticket counter August 1 through August 31, 2019. The free and discounted tickets are only available on the day of the visit.
- First responder personnel must be present.
- Government-only IDs will NOT be accepted.
Under promotional rules, the Tramway will admit sworn officers, civilian employees and support staff from all city and county fire and law enforcement organizations, plus the following:
- California Highway Patrol (CHP)
- County Sheriff
- District Attorney
- U.S. Forest Service
- California Department of Forestry and other wild land fire organizations
- Correctional facilities (prisons)
- U.S. Marshals
- ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms)
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- International Border Patrol
- Immigration Naturalization Service (INS)
- Homeland Security which includes: International Border Patrol, Citizenship & Immigration, Immigration Customs Enforcement, Secret Service, FEMA, TSA
- Ambulance company EMTs
- Reserve or volunteer fire and law enforcement members with valid ID.
Please note that only individuals with proper photo ID specifically referencing fire or law enforcement duty will be eligible for tickets.
The following organizations are not covered by the promotion:
- Retired fire and law enforcement employees
- U.S. Armed Forces, including all U.S. veterans;
- Private law firms
- Reserve or volunteer fire and law enforcement members without valid ID;
- American Red Cross;
- California Conservation Corps;
- Private security firms;
- All employees with government-only IDs or without specific fire or law enforcement IDs.