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“Desert Oracle” is a pocket-sized field guide to the mysteries of the desert, Its editor and publisher, Ken Layne, hosts “Desert Oracle Radio” here on Z107.7 Friday nights at 10 p.m. Reporter Rebecca Havely shares what to expect from season two of the show…
“Desert Oracle Radio” is the half-hour program that blends old folklore and curious history with tales of lost mines, mysterious lights, missing tourists, venomous creatures and weird history to Z107.7 listeners. Host Ken Layne shares field reports from across the Mojave, featuring a cast of intriguing mystics, oddballs, scientists and artists. Season two promises evocative tales of lost mines, UFOs, missing tourists, secret military projects and local legends. So, whether driving across the lonesome desert or at home with the coyotes howling outside tune in to Z107.7 at 10 p.m. Friday nights to hear the haunting voice of host Layne.
Or live-stream at z107.7fm.com, also available as a podcast and at the iTunes store.

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