During his report to the Morongo Basin Municipal Advisory Council, Sheriff’s Captain Dale Mondary told of personnel changes in his command, and of potential fallout from the passage of Prop 47. Reporter Dan Stork relates who’s going and who’s coming…
Captain Mondary told the Morongo Basin MAC and community members present at its November meeting that some personnel changes are coming soon in the Sheriff’s Department contingent in the Morongo Basin. Sergeant Rick Collins, who has been in the Basin for many years, will be transferring out to Yucaipa. Deputy Jesse Moon, who has been in Yucca Valley for some time, will be transferring to Highland. Incoming are five deputies, all of them recent graduates of the academy. Area residents may see more deputies doubled up in patrol cars during the approximately four months of training that the newcomers will receive. Also joining the Morongo Basin station will be Sergeant Mike Barta, a local resident who is a veteran of the narcotics unit and is currently stationed in Barstow.
The Captain also said that unlike most laws, whose implementation are delayed for some time after passage, Prop 47—just approved by the voters —goes into effect immediately. Law enforcement is figuring out how to deal with the changes, which reclassifies several felony offenses as misdemeanors. Captain Mondary added that he’d heard from the Public Defender’s office that as many as 10,000 offenders in San Bernardino County, either currently in custody, or in the probation system, could be affected, should those individuals choose to pursue review of their status.