The deadline is coming up to apply for the Joshua Tree National Park Youth Conservation Corps. ROP Broadcast student Kayla Stegall tells you where to get applications…
Summer is sneaking up and you’re looking for a job. Well, I have news for you; Joshua Tree National Park is now recruiting for their Youth Conservations Corps program that is sponsored for eight weeks. If you are a teen between the ages of 15 and 18 and sign up, there will be selected applicants to work from June 15 through August 6, Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm, making minimum wage. You will be receiving every other Friday off, and the program will be providing young adults of the community with a superb hands-on work experience. This job will have labor intensity and will be performed throughout the entire park. The application forms are now available at Joshua Tree National Park Headquarters in Twentynine Palms, but they must be turned in by April 11. If you want more information, call 760-367-5516.