Joshua Tree Elementary’s multi-purpose room was transformed into a red-carpet event last night when 49 teachers and staff members were honored for “Day of the Teacher” and “Classified School Employees Week.”
Staring with presenting 29 Palms Junior High’s Torrey Norris with a Certificate of Appreciation, the Board then voted to appoint Sabrina McDavis as assistant principal of La Contenta Middle School, Alicia Perkins to Certified Management of Elementary Principal at Landers Elementary, Andrea Gordon to the principal of PLUS program, and Celeste Wahlberg to the Certificated Management position of Extended Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP) Coordinator.

The night’s main event of Day of the Teacher and Classified School Employee Week proceeded into a half-hour lightning round recognizing 49 teachers and staff, each one elaborately praised by MCs James Powell and Justin Monical, who gave each awardee their certificate of appreciation backed with a letter indicating a $100 bonus.
After a brief but celebratory intermission, the Board resumed the meeting, approving authorization to file a Notice of Completion bid for 29 Palms High School Stadium Improvements, then awarded a bid to National Glazing Solutions for $605, 538 for security window film installation at all district sites